JMG partners with public education and private businesses to offer results-driven solutions to ensure all Maine students graduate, attain post-secondary credentials, and pursue meaningful careers.

JMG was established by the Maine State Legislature in 1993 and is the largest statewide education nonprofit in Maine. JMG partners with Maine's public middle and high schools, community colleges, and our university system to help students achieve their goals.

We strengthen Maine's workforce and economy by providing students with the guidance, skills, and opportunities to succeed in their careers. JMG serves more than 12,000 students a year in communities throughout Maine’s 16 counties.

We are the only educational nonprofit in Maine that provides a continuum of support to students from middle school throughout high school and onto post-secondary education and career pathways. We serve students as early as sixth grade through the age of 24.

JMG programs are hosted within Maine's public schools, and classes and year-round activities are led by JMG Specialists who serve as mentors and educators. Specialists are able to develop student-centered, personalized education plans delivered through a competency-based curriculum focusing on academic knowledge, career development skills, leadership, and teamwork.

JMG’s programming has grown to include career preparation that reflects the job market, college transition skills, leadership opportunities, critical thinking, financial literacy, community service learning, and more to meet the needs of students.

We increase high school graduation rates, college retention, and attainment of a degree or a credential of value. JMG ensures students are empowered with transferable skills, financial knowledge, and best practices to use throughout their lives in order to pursue their aspirations and attain success. Each JMG student leaves the classroom with pride, direction, and a clearer sense of what they want out of life and how to achieve it.

JMG’s unique connections to Maine businesses are critical in achieving success on behalf of our students. By visiting our classrooms, hosting job shadows and internships, and volunteering at student enrichment events, JMG's business partners help to expose students to Maine’s diverse network of employers and career opportunities.

JMG believes in the investment and development of Maine students, and we are grateful to our community partners and organization supporters that provide the critical investments so we can continue in our mission.